How To Care For Dry Hair
Dry hair might not mean you have any big problem with your health, but it isn’t a great sign either. It can make your hair look flat and lifeless, as well as make it frizzy and brittle. Dry hair is also the root of many other hair problems such as split ends, hair damages, or breakage. So if you have dry hair and want to keep your hair healthy and voluminous, you need to know how to care for dry hair.
Read on as our post will show you how to better care for your hair and prevent any dryness from happening. Hydrating your hair well will not only make it healthier and stronger but also make it grow faster and appear more beautiful. There is nothing prettier than healthy hair with healthy strands.
Why Your Hair Is Dry And Why Should You Care For Dry Hair

Why Your Hair Is Dry And Why Should You Care For Dry Hair
There are many factors that can cause your hair to dry. Genetics can play a role in it, as well as your diet and daily nutrition intake. Heat treatments or chemicals treatment such as bleaching or dyeing your hair will also cause your hair to be damaged and dry out. Even UV rays or harsh weather conditions can make your hair more breakable, thus making it easier to get dry.
As we have mentioned above, dry hair can cause you many problems. From flat and lifeless looking hair, to split ends, hair breakage, and hair loss. Keeping your hair hydrated and taking care of it properly so it doesn’t dry out should always be your priority. You can style your hair however you like when you have healthy hair. But when your hair is damaged, all you can do with it is try to fix it. It’s better to prevent the damages from happening rather than try to repair it when everything is too late.
How To Care For Dry Hair.
1. Get a trim

How To Care For Dry Hair
Trimming your hair regularly will actually encourage your hair to grow faster and stronger. If you suffer from severe dryness and split ends problems, a fresh cut could save it from drying out more as split ends can make hair harder to style and make it feel more dry or coarse.
Trim down the hair that feels dead and is keeping the fresh hair from growing. You can also ask your hairstylist for a new styling routine that can keep your hair from being damaged.
2. Vitamins.

How To Care For Dry Hair
Your body needs certain vitamins to nourish it. Vitamins also have a direct impact on the health of your hair and nails, too. Vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin (sometimes called vitamin H), and mineral iron are all the essential keys to make your hair look healthier.
You can take vitamin supplements to make your hair look better. Marine protein supplements, which have been proven to help hair be healthier, are also worth a look if you’re running into hair drying problems.
3. Mind Your Diet.

How To Care For Dry Hair
As we’ve mentioned above, marine proteins keep your hair from thinning out and give your hair that healthy glow. However, you don’t have to take supplements to achieve similar results, as there is a much simpler way to do it: increase the number of marine proteins in your diet. This means you should eat more salmon, oysters, mackerel, tuna, or sardines as these are all rich in peptides and omega-3s – one of the main factors that make your hair shinier.
Oxidative stress can also make hair look unhealthy and lifeless. With that being said, you can lower the oxidative dress by including antioxidant foods such as walnuts, kidney beans, blueberries, broccoli, tomatoes,… in your diet.
Healthy fats, like those found in canola oil, will also lead to better hair health.
4. Stop overwashing your hair every day.

How To Care For Dry Hair
Nobody likes dirty and greasy hair. We all know that shampoo can get rid of those from our hair, but not all of us beware that it also strips our hair of sebum. Sebum is the natural oil that maintains your hair’s health and shines. Too much sebum can make your hair look greasy, but not enough sebum can make it dry out and cause hair loss.
Stripping your hair of sebum by washing it every day isn’t gonna do your hair any favor if it doesn’t make everything worse. You only need to wash your hair every other day and try using dry shampoo instead. If your hair is extremely dry, switch to a shampoo specifically for dry hair or baby shampoo. These shampoos still do a great job of cleaning your hair without stripping its natural oil completely off.
5. Cut down on heat styling

How To Care For Dry Hair
Curling, straightening, or overusing your hairdryer can expose your hair to heat damages, thus making it dry out.
It has been proven that the hair shaft from before and after blow-drying showed significant damage to the participant’s hair. Skip the blow-dry and try to dry it with a soft towel or a T-shirt. If blow-dry is a must, keep the dryer at least 6 inches away from your hair shaft for best results. If curling/straightening hair is a part of your hairstyling routine, consider switching to heatless ways to do it.
6. Cold showers.

How To Care For Dry Hair
Cold showers are better for your hair health, as they can make your hair grow faster. The hot water might be scalding your hair when you’re rinsing your hair off. After the shampoo and condition step, rinse your hair under cool water for a minute or two to revitalize strands and refresh your scalp.
7. Start Using Hair Care Products.

How To Care For Dry Hair
Hair Care products don’t have to mean fancy hair oils or hair serums. Some natural remedies such as Moroccan argan oil and coconut oil have become a popular home cure for dry hair. Argan oil as well as other essential oils, like peppermint oil and lavender oil, will also help you with your hair loss and prevent breakage.
Using them as a quick spritz hair perfume may make your hair feel less dry over time. Applying them regularly can make your hair grow healthier and faster.
8. Wear a hat

How To Care For Dry Hair
Just like with our skin, our hair can be severely damaged by UV rays. If you have dry hair, stop exposing your hair to the ultraviolet rays by wearing a hat during your daily activities, and avoid prolonged sun exposure. Some pure aloe vera gel on your hair might help repair the damage that is caused by long exposure to UV rays.