Nobody can deny we all have the desire to have a good-looking appearance. One of the most crucial factors to enhance our beauty is changing hairstyles. Therefore, hair extension becomes more and more popular nowadays and tip hair is the method never goes out of style. Based on Cee Hair data, we list here the most favorable tip hair types and their pros and cons.


We might hear of the terms: “cold fusion”, “hot fusion”, “macro ring”… They are methods used to apply tip hair (or “keratin hair”), however, we will clarify each tip hair types to show their own advantages and disadvantages.


I tip from wholesale hair vendors factories is a cold fusion method. A hair stylish usually use a fine comb, a pulling needle, rings, a ring axe and I tip hair for installation.

About the hair extension characteristics, this type of hair extensions are typical with individual hairs which are grouped into bigger strands. In general, the grouped strands are still so small and can blend well with users’ natural hair strands. The tip of each hair extension strand is then stuck with cold hair glue in the shape of a cylinder. That is also the reason why this type of hair extension is called I tip hair extension.


I tip of Cee Hair factory

When it comes to characteristics of hair extensions, what users and resellers care about the most are definitely the pros and cons of that type of hair extensions. Below are the detailed pros and cons of I tip hair extensions. We will analyze them carefully and then summarize them in terms of a comparison table for you.

About the pros of I tip hair extensions, there are 3 most significant points. First is about the ability to reuse. I tip hair extensions enable users to reuse them easily. As long as you keep them in a dry and mild condition, you can maintain the hair for the next use. In addition, these hair extensions are also highly recommended for short thin hair. While people with short thin hair are usually afraid of using hair extensions as they can be easily seen; now with I tip items, no one can tell that you are using hair extensions at all. Last but not least, the simplicity of I tip extensions in application is a plus point as well.

About the cons of I tip hair extensions, there are also 3 points to consider. First of all, this type of hair extensions do not have a long durability. It is usually only 2-3 months. This is not suitable for ones preferring permanent hair extensions. Moreover, the installation is quite time-consuming. It will take about 4-6 hours at the salons. In general, the application will be a high-demanding process which you cannot handle yourself.

Pros Cons
– reusable – short life span: 2-3 months
– recommend for short, thin hair – takes time for installation: 4- 6 hours
– not many tools used. – requires well- trained hair stylist to avoid itchy feeling and wrong position of installation.


Similar to I tip, flat tip is cold fusion method as well. The difference lies in the shape of the glue tip. Flat tip hair extensions are covered with glue tips which have a flat shape.


Flat tip from Cee Hair factory

Below are the flat tip hair extensions pros and cons. As you can see, there are 3 main pros and 3 main cons. In general, flat tip hair extensions are still a good choice for ones with fine hair. Though the installation can be quite demanding, the result is really worth it.

Pros Cons
– since the flat tip is applied close to the roots, it can blend easily into natural hair -not reusable
– appropriate for fine hair – takes time for installation: 4- 6 hours
– no hair damage thanks to no heat element – requires well- trained hair stylist to avoid irritation and headache


On the contrary to I tip and Flat tip, U tip belongs to hot fusion, which has longer life span. A professional uses heating tool to melt keratin inside U tip hair extension, then twist and mold a section hair for attachment. As you can see, the glue tip of this type of hair extension is in U shape. That is also the reason why it is called U tip hair extension.


U Tip

Below is the table synthesizing the pros and cons of U tip hair extensions. You really need to take them into careful consideration before any purchase decisions. In general, this type of hair extension is worth trying for its high durability, flexibility and naturalness. At the same time, you will also need to keep in mind their disadvantages in ability to reuse and application.

Pros Cons
Durable method, life span up to 6  months Not reusable
Suitable for all hairs; thin, medium, thick Take long time: 6- 8 hours
Undetectable bonds Well-trained professional


V tip has the shape of V and also a heat fusion. It has keratin in the head in order to be attached by a heating tool. This type of hair extension is quite similar to the U tip one.


V Tip

In terms of pros and cons, V tip hair extensions have the following characteristics. We can see that the pros apparently outweigh the cons!

Pros Cons
Invisible bonds, perfectly blend with natural hair
Bonds not too close to scalp, reduce itchy feeling Well- trained professionals


Nano tip extensions are also a significant type of tip hair extensions. Instead of having glue tip, this type of hair extension has each tip with a ring! As you can see below, each hair tip is attached to a micro or small ring, so that the hair extension strand can easily be applied on users’ real hair.


Nano Tip

Below are the pros and cons of nano tip hair extensions. You can read them to see whether they are suitable for your use and business purpose or not.

Pros Cons
Small ring can make you feel comfortable than macro ring – Life span: 3- 4 months

– Maintain: 4- 6 weeks

Not preferable with short, fine hair Well- trained professionals
Easy to wash Impossible with ponytails hairstyle

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