Are you a fan of colored hair? If you are, you must know that the bleaching process is always considered to be a necessary step in dying dark hair to light color. However, the brassy hair may appear ...
Are you a fan of light colored hair or dark colored hair? While light colored hair such as blonde, silver, purple makes you look stunning and outstanding in the crowd, the hair with dark colors, ...
Having dreadlocks hairstyle will make you appear outstanding and unique. However, the maintenance and daily washing of the hair dreads are great challenges to a lot of people. In fact, the process of ...
We are offering a solution which is proven to be effective for almost all hair loss or fine hair without considering the price or much effort. That is right – rice water for hair, which is deemed as a ...
The uniqueness and convenience of dreadlocks has been the matter of controversial debate in the hair market for such a long time. The question is posed: How to take care and choose the proper hair ...
There are more than a half worldwide population having the natural dark hair color including the brown hair. If you find the whole scalp with this dark color boring and dull, you can add pieces of ...
Hair has a great impact on human appearance, both for men and women. As the men’s hair is short, it will look much more terrible without thick volume. Therefore, the question of how to add volume to ...
Keratin is frequently mentioned, which becomes accustomed to people, using terms such as “hair lacks Keratin,” “hair replenishes Keratin,” and “hair restores Keratin.”Do you know what Keratin is and ...
The pursuit of smooth and soft hair is considered an endless journey for each of us, particularly hair lovers. According to hair experts, the smoothness and shine of hair texture can be attributable ...
Customers, especially hair lovers, are accustomed to home-made hair masks with natural ingredients when discussing hair care routine. Who said you have to “pour” a lot of money and time going to the ...
When talking about dry scalp which comes for a variety of reasons and solutions by ourselves, we tend to mention three main words to describe this phenomenon: itching, flaking and irritation. We can’t ...
Why won’t my hair grow becomes the prevalent question of women all across the world. Do you have a problem with the sluggish speed of hair growth? Having beautiful, healthy hair is one of the precious ...